Tune In Tuesday: A Sock Monkey Oracle Reading For You

posted in: Sock Monkey Oracle

I intend to do weekly, single-card readings for you on Tuesdays. Here’s the first in the series…

Ask For Help!


Hello everyone, Shannon Grissom here with another reading from the Sock Monkey Oracle.

All right, what does everyone needs to hear today?

I’m going to shuffle the cards and see what the Sock Monkey Oracle has to say.

(Deep laugh out loud)

Well this is a reading for you, but it is also a message for me. Have you ever carried several bags of groceries from the car, so much that you are dropping stuff along the way and somebody says, “Hey, can I help you?” And you go, “Nahhh, I’ve got this!”

Ask for Help!

Just sayin’

Hope you have a great rest of your day.