Pair of Socks Spread

posted in: Sock Monkey Oracle


The pair of socks reading is good when choosing between two scenarios.
Like when you want to know if the situation is not your circus, not your monkeys, or yes, it really is your circus, it really is your monkeys.
Thinking about a job offer? This is great for the “Should I stay or Should I go scenario.”

Write “stay” on post it, and then crumple it up. Then, write “go” on another.

Mix them up and set them down on the table
Now pull one card for each scenario.

In the stay position, I pulled “Face It.”
In the go position, I pulled “Partnerships.”

It’s pretty clear that I need to clean up my current situation and that taking the leap would produce happy partnerships.

The answers are not always this black and white, so it’s important to be fluid.

So give it a shot, and let me know how it worked out for your query.

PS~ If crumpling the paper makes you twitch, fold it instead. The rest of the procedure is the same.

Please chime in below and share how you like to use this spread!